Why Dry Propagation Is the Ideal Method For Beginners

Why Dry Propagation Is the Ideal Method For Beginners

First you are probably asking, WHAT IS DRY PROPAGATION?
Dry propagation, also known as air propagation, offers an effortless method to expand your succulent garden with minimal effort.Furthermore, this propagation method reduces the risk of mealybug infestations and root rot, increasing its chances of success, which makes it particularly well-suited for beginners venturing into the world of succulents.

So how do you do it?

  1. Water the succulent you want to propagate and wait for about 3 days-This approach encourages the mother plant to produce nutrient-rich and succulent leaves for your new succulent offspring. It's advisable to select a succulent with thick leaves, as dry propagation doesn't involve watering the leaves. The mother leaves should be plump and healthy, ensuring they can supply adequate nutrition and moisture to the new plants until they establish their own root systems.
  2. After 3 days, gently remove the leaves you’ll propagate from the mother plant- Employ a twisting motion to gently detach the leaf from the plant, ensuring you don't break it, as this could hinder its ability to sprout. Additionally, be certain to choose healthy and fully developed leaves from the lower part of the plant, as young, desiccated, or tender leaves have lower chances of producing new growth.
  3. Place the leaves on a tray to propagate- You can utilize an egg carton, a cup, or any unused tray from around your house to place your leaves. Ensure that you position them in an area that is shielded from direct sunlight to prevent them from getting sunburned.

Keep in mind that with dry propagation, you should refrain from watering the leaves until their roots have fully matured, and the new plants have been relocated to the soil, which typically takes about 1 to 2 months. During this time, your role is primarily to exercise patience and let the leaves grow on their own. Nevertheless, it's essential to inspect their roots at least once a week to ensure they are progressing well.

Healthy roots typically exhibit a white or pink coloration. Therefore, if you notice darker roots or observe them beginning to shrivel, it's an indication that they might be receiving too much sunlight. In this case, relocate them to a less sunny spot to promote the well-being of the new plants.

After planting your pups in the soil, wait for an additional 2-3 days before providing them with their first watering. As they are still small, it's important to water them at least once a week, as they have greater moisture requirements compared to mature plants.



There can be numerous reasons to why your leaves aren't growing roots but here are the most common ones.
Not the right enviroment. The success of dry propagation depends on the right environmental conditions. This method is most effective in regions with high humidity levels.
The leaves do not have enough water. The leaves need to be well-hydrated before propagation since they won't be watered during the process. Make sure they are juicy and filled with enough water by giving them a good soak before you begin propagation.
You picked the wrong leaves. Selecting the right leaves is crucial. Opt for healthy, thick, and juicy leaves as not all leaves are suitable for propagation using this method.


Variability in growth is normal, as different leaves may take varying amounts of time to grow roots or pups. In some cases, certain succulents may only root without further growth. As long as you follow the instructions provided, you'll soon have a new addition to your succulent collection.

Check out this quick video to see 4 mistake to avoid when propagating succulents

Check out this quick video to see how to propagate succulents in water

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